This title features detailed table of contents: What happened and how did we get here? This section will: cover a brief history of market panics to place the current turmoil in context; trace the origins of the current financial crisis and the rise of sub ...
This title features detailed table of contents: What happened and how did we get here? This section will: cover a brief history of market panics to place the current turmoil in context; trace the origins of the current financial crisis and the rise of sub ...
En este libro el lector encontrará respuestas a las dudas sobre diferentes mercados financieros: Renta variable, renta fija, derivados y colección. Para una completa explicación de los mismos, se muestran, además, las teorías financieras que explican el funcionamiento de los mercados.
En este libro el lector encontrará respuestas a las dudas sobre diferentes mercados financieros: Renta variable, renta fija, derivados y colección. Para una completa explicación de los mismos, se muestran, además, las teorías financieras que explican el funcionamiento de los mercados.
Stockmarkets have soared and slumped, highlighting the risks of different kinds of investments. Everyone wants to buy low and sell high - and get a healthy stream of income in between. But it is not easy to do so. Any strategy for investment requires an essential ...
Stockmarkets have soared and slumped, highlighting the risks of different kinds of investments. Everyone wants to buy low and sell high - and get a healthy stream of income in between. But it is not easy to do so. Any strategy for investment requires an essential ...
A master of gritty naturalism, Theodore Dreiser explores the corruption of the American dream in "The Financier". Frank Cowperwood, a fiercely ambitious businessman, emerges as the very embodiment of greed as he relentlessly seeks satisfaction in wealth, women, and power. As Cowperwood deals and double-deals ...
A master of gritty naturalism, Theodore Dreiser explores the corruption of the American dream in "The Financier". Frank Cowperwood, a fiercely ambitious businessman, emerges as the very embodiment of greed as he relentlessly seeks satisfaction in wealth, women, and power. As Cowperwood deals and double-deals ...
Elaborado por la Fundación Estudios Bursátiles y Financieros. Acompaña CD-ROM. This Glossary tries to express and explain the active use of economic terms. It has not the slightest claim to be a definitive authority: it is simply a record of common modern usage, and makes ...
Elaborado por la Fundación Estudios Bursátiles y Financieros. Acompaña CD-ROM. This Glossary tries to express and explain the active use of economic terms. It has not the slightest claim to be a definitive authority: it is simply a record of common modern usage, and makes ...
#Lo que más admiro en mi vida es la inteligencia, me encanta contemplar la belleza, y lo que más me gusta disfrutar es la libertad#. #Si te dedicas a contar el dinero que tienes, casi seguro que cada vez contarás menos#. #Antes de invertir, #conócete ...
#Lo que más admiro en mi vida es la inteligencia, me encanta contemplar la belleza, y lo que más me gusta disfrutar es la libertad#. #Si te dedicas a contar el dinero que tienes, casi seguro que cada vez contarás menos#. #Antes de invertir, #conócete ...
"Asset Pricing Theory" is an advanced textbook for doctoral students and researchers that offers a modern introduction to the theoretical and methodological foundations of competitive asset pricing. Costis Skiadas develops in depth the fundamentals of arbitrage pricing, mean-variance analysis, equilibrium pricing, and optimal consumption/portfolio ...
"Asset Pricing Theory" is an advanced textbook for doctoral students and researchers that offers a modern introduction to the theoretical and methodological foundations of competitive asset pricing. Costis Skiadas develops in depth the fundamentals of arbitrage pricing, mean-variance analysis, equilibrium pricing, and optimal consumption/portfolio ...
"Unas páginas llenas de perlas que le ayudarán tanto como me han ayudado a mí." De la Introducción de Kenneth L. Fisher, columnista, Forbes. "Después de leer Acciones ordinarias y beneficios extraordinarios busqué a Phil Fisher# Y cuando lo conocí me sorprendió tanto la persona ...
"Unas páginas llenas de perlas que le ayudarán tanto como me han ayudado a mí." De la Introducción de Kenneth L. Fisher, columnista, Forbes. "Después de leer Acciones ordinarias y beneficios extraordinarios busqué a Phil Fisher# Y cuando lo conocí me sorprendió tanto la persona ...
Ed. Lawrence A. Cunningham. Experienced readers of Warren Buffett's letters to the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway Inc have gained an enormously valuable informal education. This book features letters that distill in plain words all the basic principles of sound business practices.
Ed. Lawrence A. Cunningham. Experienced readers of Warren Buffett's letters to the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway Inc have gained an enormously valuable informal education. This book features letters that distill in plain words all the basic principles of sound business practices.
This is a behind-the-scenes look at Wall Street's top banker. Jamie Dimon is Wall Street's biggest player. Following the 11th-hour rescue of Bear Stearns by JP Morgan, his profile has reached stratospheric levels. "The House of Dimon" goes behind the scenes to recount ...
This is a behind-the-scenes look at Wall Street's top banker. Jamie Dimon is Wall Street's biggest player. Following the 11th-hour rescue of Bear Stearns by JP Morgan, his profile has reached stratospheric levels. "The House of Dimon" goes behind the scenes to recount ...
Foreword by Edmund S. Phelps. In "Financial Darwinism", author Leo Tilman lays the groundwork for understanding the new financial order by introducing his evolutionary thesis and then outlines an actionable decision-making framework that enables financial institutions and investors to fully leverage the power of business ...
Foreword by Edmund S. Phelps. In "Financial Darwinism", author Leo Tilman lays the groundwork for understanding the new financial order by introducing his evolutionary thesis and then outlines an actionable decision-making framework that enables financial institutions and investors to fully leverage the power of business ...
Si el siglo XX fue el siglo de América, el siglo XXI lo será de China. Jim Rogers muestra en este libro cómo cualquier inversor puede encontrar un amplio abanico de vías para participar en el #mayor boom económico desde la revolución industrial inglesa#. Esta ...
Si el siglo XX fue el siglo de América, el siglo XXI lo será de China. Jim Rogers muestra en este libro cómo cualquier inversor puede encontrar un amplio abanico de vías para participar en el #mayor boom económico desde la revolución industrial inglesa#. Esta ...
This is a must-read guide to real estate investing during turbulent times. In this updated edition, author Michael Thomsett begins by cautioning readers that real estate is not always alluring. Markets go through cycles, and the down phase of the cycle from 2006 onward has ...
This is a must-read guide to real estate investing during turbulent times. In this updated edition, author Michael Thomsett begins by cautioning readers that real estate is not always alluring. Markets go through cycles, and the down phase of the cycle from 2006 onward has ...
"The Perfect Portfolio" offers investors the knowledge, structure, and resources they need to create a portfolio that meets the challenges of today's investing environment. It challenges the conventional wisdom that there are only three asset classes and redefines the outdated concepts of risk and ...
"The Perfect Portfolio" offers investors the knowledge, structure, and resources they need to create a portfolio that meets the challenges of today's investing environment. It challenges the conventional wisdom that there are only three asset classes and redefines the outdated concepts of risk and ...
How does one spot the bottom of a bear market? What brings a bear to its end? There are few more important questions to be answered in modern finance. Financial market history is a guide to understanding the future. Looking at the four occasions when ...
How does one spot the bottom of a bear market? What brings a bear to its end? There are few more important questions to be answered in modern finance. Financial market history is a guide to understanding the future. Looking at the four occasions when ...
'Great book! Mickael has done a great job of explaining the insights from over 50 groundbreaking psychological experiments. You will learn how to avoid many of the psychological mistakes made by most investors. He teaches you to watch out for overconfidence and the momentum bias ...
'Great book! Mickael has done a great job of explaining the insights from over 50 groundbreaking psychological experiments. You will learn how to avoid many of the psychological mistakes made by most investors. He teaches you to watch out for overconfidence and the momentum bias ...
Talbott, a former investment banker, exposes the lies that led to Wall Street's--and America's--financial crisis and then exposes the truth of what it will take to rebuild the economy.
Talbott, a former investment banker, exposes the lies that led to Wall Street's--and America's--financial crisis and then exposes the truth of what it will take to rebuild the economy.
Foreword by William J. Bernstein. 'Before reading "The Panic of 1907", the year 1907 seemed like a long time ago and a different world. The authors, however, bring this story alive in a fast-moving book, and the reader sees how events of that time are ...
Foreword by William J. Bernstein. 'Before reading "The Panic of 1907", the year 1907 seemed like a long time ago and a different world. The authors, however, bring this story alive in a fast-moving book, and the reader sees how events of that time are ...
Starting from scratch, simply by picking stocks and companies for investment, Warren Buffett has amassed an astonishing fortune - a net worth of $64 billion and counting. His awesome investment record has made him a cult figure popularly known for his seeming contradictions: he is a ...
Starting from scratch, simply by picking stocks and companies for investment, Warren Buffett has amassed an astonishing fortune - a net worth of $64 billion and counting. His awesome investment record has made him a cult figure popularly known for his seeming contradictions: he is a ...
'A lot has happened in the financial markets since 1992, when Peter Bernstein wrote his seminal "Capital Ideas". Happily, Peter has taken up his facile pen again to describe these changes, a virtual revolution in the practice of investing that relies heavily on complex mathematics ...
'A lot has happened in the financial markets since 1992, when Peter Bernstein wrote his seminal "Capital Ideas". Happily, Peter has taken up his facile pen again to describe these changes, a virtual revolution in the practice of investing that relies heavily on complex mathematics ...
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