In this volume, W. Max Corden presents a systematic and accessible overview of the choice of exchange rate regimes. Reviewing many types of regimes, he shows how the choice of an exchange rate regime is related to both fiscal policy and trade policy. Building on ...
In this volume, W. Max Corden presents a systematic and accessible overview of the choice of exchange rate regimes. Reviewing many types of regimes, he shows how the choice of an exchange rate regime is related to both fiscal policy and trade policy. Building on ...
The authors provide the reader with an extensive tool set for active and successful management of fixed income portfolios as well as for credits. The focus of discussion is on quantitative and, for credits, qualitative methods of portfolio management. These strategies may be employed for ...
The authors provide the reader with an extensive tool set for active and successful management of fixed income portfolios as well as for credits. The focus of discussion is on quantitative and, for credits, qualitative methods of portfolio management. These strategies may be employed for ...
INDICE: I. El riesgo en la actividad financiera. II. La documentación del expediente de riesgos. III. Análisis de estados financieros. IV. Análisis de operaciones con titularidades pertenecientes al sector público y corporaciones locales. V. Análisis de operaciones de promoción inmobiliaria. VI. Fuentes de información para ...
INDICE: I. El riesgo en la actividad financiera. II. La documentación del expediente de riesgos. III. Análisis de estados financieros. IV. Análisis de operaciones con titularidades pertenecientes al sector público y corporaciones locales. V. Análisis de operaciones de promoción inmobiliaria. VI. Fuentes de información para ...
A famous example of risk management gone wrong - in 1998, Long Term Capital Management (LTCM), a hedge fund, had bet heavily that any Russian default would have a correlated currency devaluation, which LTCM could use as a hedge. The devaluation didn't happen, LTCM lost ...
A famous example of risk management gone wrong - in 1998, Long Term Capital Management (LTCM), a hedge fund, had bet heavily that any Russian default would have a correlated currency devaluation, which LTCM could use as a hedge. The devaluation didn't happen, LTCM lost ...
Marcial Pons, Ediciones Jurídicas y Sociales. Madrid, 2000
La cuarta edición -actualizada- de Estudios sobre Derecho Hipotecario mantiene viva la intención primigenia de D. José Mª Chico y Ortíz que no es otra que la de dotar a los opositores al Registro de la Propiedad de un nuevo elemento de trabajo ajustado al ...
Marcial Pons, Ediciones Jurídicas y Sociales. Madrid, 2000
La cuarta edición -actualizada- de Estudios sobre Derecho Hipotecario mantiene viva la intención primigenia de D. José Mª Chico y Ortíz que no es otra que la de dotar a los opositores al Registro de la Propiedad de un nuevo elemento de trabajo ajustado al ...
On completion of this training programme the reader will have a comprehensive understanding of the theory and practice of credit analysis. Five modules examine each aspect of credit analysis.
On completion of this training programme the reader will have a comprehensive understanding of the theory and practice of credit analysis. Five modules examine each aspect of credit analysis.
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