Los trabajos aquí reunidos abordan las intervenciones de la literatura en los procesos históricos de transición del siglo XX al siglo XXI, en el momento en que la democracia está por construir o consolidar. En el contexto actual, en el que tanto la discursividad como ...
Los trabajos aquí reunidos abordan las intervenciones de la literatura en los procesos históricos de transición del siglo XX al siglo XXI, en el momento en que la democracia está por construir o consolidar. En el contexto actual, en el que tanto la discursividad como ...
Democracy is in crisis. In every major company it has been stole by elites or in the hands of strong men. In democracy's name we see a raft of policies that spread inequality and xenophobia worldwide. It is clear that democracy - the principle of ...
Democracy is in crisis. In every major company it has been stole by elites or in the hands of strong men. In democracy's name we see a raft of policies that spread inequality and xenophobia worldwide. It is clear that democracy - the principle of ...
Como indica el subtítulo, la obra se articula como una búsqueda. Una búsqueda de las raíces de la idea de democracia. Una búsqueda que nos lleva, como en el trabajo arqueológico, desde la realidad presente a los orígenes del concepto. La tesis del libro es ...
Como indica el subtítulo, la obra se articula como una búsqueda. Una búsqueda de las raíces de la idea de democracia. Una búsqueda que nos lleva, como en el trabajo arqueológico, desde la realidad presente a los orígenes del concepto. La tesis del libro es ...
Norberto Bobbio (Turín, 1909-2004) es considerado universalmente como uno de los mejores filósofos del derecho y de la política del siglo XX. En el ámbito de la filosofía política, en particular, su teoría de la democracia es de las más interesantes, completas y lúcidas que ...
Norberto Bobbio (Turín, 1909-2004) es considerado universalmente como uno de los mejores filósofos del derecho y de la política del siglo XX. En el ámbito de la filosofía política, en particular, su teoría de la democracia es de las más interesantes, completas y lúcidas que ...
¿Qué podemos aprender de la democracia griega? Esa fue la cuestión crucial que se hicieron lectores radicales como Foucault, Castoriadis o Rancière en la década de los años setenta. En un contexto de crisis, la vieja democracia ateniense se ofrecía como un marco privilegiado para ...
¿Qué podemos aprender de la democracia griega? Esa fue la cuestión crucial que se hicieron lectores radicales como Foucault, Castoriadis o Rancière en la década de los años setenta. En un contexto de crisis, la vieja democracia ateniense se ofrecía como un marco privilegiado para ...
¿Está justificada la prohibición de determinados proyectos políticos contrarios a los valores democráticos? El Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos es muy claro al respecto: sí. Partiendo de esa premisa, este libro demuestra cómo, mientras hubo una auténtica voluntad política, la ilegalización de los partidos políticos ...
¿Está justificada la prohibición de determinados proyectos políticos contrarios a los valores democráticos? El Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos es muy claro al respecto: sí. Partiendo de esa premisa, este libro demuestra cómo, mientras hubo una auténtica voluntad política, la ilegalización de los partidos políticos ...
Banks and bankers are hardly the most beloved institutions and people in this country. With its corruptive influence on politics and stranglehold on the American economy, Wall Street is held in high regard by few outside the financial sector. But the pitchforks raised against this ...
Banks and bankers are hardly the most beloved institutions and people in this country. With its corruptive influence on politics and stranglehold on the American economy, Wall Street is held in high regard by few outside the financial sector. But the pitchforks raised against this ...
A timely and incisive assessment of what the success of populism means for democracy.
Populist movements have recently appeared in nearly every democracy around the world. Yet our grasp of this disruptive political phenomenon remains woefully inadequate. Politicians of all stripes appeal to the interests ...
A timely and incisive assessment of what the success of populism means for democracy.
Populist movements have recently appeared in nearly every democracy around the world. Yet our grasp of this disruptive political phenomenon remains woefully inadequate. Politicians of all stripes appeal to the interests ...
Democracy establishes relationships of political equality, ones in which citizens equally share authority over what they do together and respect one another as equals. But in today's divided public square, democracy is challenged by political thinkers who disagree about how democratic institutions should be ...
Democracy establishes relationships of political equality, ones in which citizens equally share authority over what they do together and respect one another as equals. But in today's divided public square, democracy is challenged by political thinkers who disagree about how democratic institutions should be ...
La participación política es una cuestión crucial para el futuro de nuestras democracias. El grito de «no nos representan», que se hizo común durante las movilizaciones del 15-M, en 2011, expresa de manera elocuente tanto el déficit representativo que se achaca a nuestras instituciones democráticas ...
La participación política es una cuestión crucial para el futuro de nuestras democracias. El grito de «no nos representan», que se hizo común durante las movilizaciones del 15-M, en 2011, expresa de manera elocuente tanto el déficit representativo que se achaca a nuestras instituciones democráticas ...
Is democracy in crisis? The current threats to democracy are not just political: they are deeply embedded in the democracies of today, in current economic, social, and cultural conditions. In Crises of Democracy, Adam Przeworski presents a panorama of the political situation throughout the world ...
Is democracy in crisis? The current threats to democracy are not just political: they are deeply embedded in the democracies of today, in current economic, social, and cultural conditions. In Crises of Democracy, Adam Przeworski presents a panorama of the political situation throughout the world ...
"Are 'the people' too ignorant or stupid to rule? Commentators are beginning to seriously argue that the answer might be 'yes.' In this take-no-prisoners book, Roslyn Fuller shows how many thinkers have embraced the idea that there can be 'too much democracy,' and deftly unravels ...
"Are 'the people' too ignorant or stupid to rule? Commentators are beginning to seriously argue that the answer might be 'yes.' In this take-no-prisoners book, Roslyn Fuller shows how many thinkers have embraced the idea that there can be 'too much democracy,' and deftly unravels ...
Este libro del profesor Allan R. Brewer-Carías, recoge una serie de estudios sobre la democracia publicados durante los últimos 20 años, que comenzó escribir a partir de 1999, cuando el discurso autoritario comenzó a aflorar en Venezuela a raíz de la elección de Hugo Chávez ...
Este libro del profesor Allan R. Brewer-Carías, recoge una serie de estudios sobre la democracia publicados durante los últimos 20 años, que comenzó escribir a partir de 1999, cuando el discurso autoritario comenzó a aflorar en Venezuela a raíz de la elección de Hugo Chávez ...
An investigation into the foundations of democratic societies and the ongoing struggle over the power of concentrated wealth
Much of our politics today, Paul Starr writes, is a struggle over entrenchment-efforts to bring about change in ways that opponents will find difficult to undo. That ...
An investigation into the foundations of democratic societies and the ongoing struggle over the power of concentrated wealth
Much of our politics today, Paul Starr writes, is a struggle over entrenchment-efforts to bring about change in ways that opponents will find difficult to undo. That ...
At a time of growing concern over the fate of contemporary democracy this book shows how vast differences between countries in forms of political conduct, and taken for granted assumptions, determine what democracies actually accomplish. In Democratic Practice, Robert M. Fishman elucidates why some democracies ...
At a time of growing concern over the fate of contemporary democracy this book shows how vast differences between countries in forms of political conduct, and taken for granted assumptions, determine what democracies actually accomplish. In Democratic Practice, Robert M. Fishman elucidates why some democracies ...
On Election Day in 2016, it seemed unthinkable to many Americans that Donald Trump could become president of the United States. But the victories of the Obama administration hid from view fundamental problems deeply rooted in American social institutions and history. The election's consequences ...
On Election Day in 2016, it seemed unthinkable to many Americans that Donald Trump could become president of the United States. But the victories of the Obama administration hid from view fundamental problems deeply rooted in American social institutions and history. The election's consequences ...
È sotto gli occhi di tutti come i partiti siano ormai poco apprezzati dall’opinione pubblica in quasi tutte le democrazie consolidate. Integrando analisi filosofiche, storiche e politologiche, il libro risale alle radici profonde della debole legittimazione dei partiti nella nostra società e individua i ...
È sotto gli occhi di tutti come i partiti siano ormai poco apprezzati dall’opinione pubblica in quasi tutte le democrazie consolidate. Integrando analisi filosofiche, storiche e politologiche, il libro risale alle radici profonde della debole legittimazione dei partiti nella nostra società e individua i ...
Ece Temelkuran heard reasonable people in Britain say it the night of the Brexit vote.
She heard reasonable people in America say it the night Trump's election was soundtracked by chants of 'Build that wall.'
She heard reasonable people in Turkey say it as ...
Ece Temelkuran heard reasonable people in Britain say it the night of the Brexit vote.
She heard reasonable people in America say it the night Trump's election was soundtracked by chants of 'Build that wall.'
She heard reasonable people in Turkey say it as ...
How can governments persuade their citizens to act in socially beneficial ways? This ground-breaking book builds on the idea of 'light touch interventions' or 'nudges' proposed in Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein's highly influential Nudge (2008). While recognising the power of this approach, it ...
How can governments persuade their citizens to act in socially beneficial ways? This ground-breaking book builds on the idea of 'light touch interventions' or 'nudges' proposed in Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein's highly influential Nudge (2008). While recognising the power of this approach, it ...
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